Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day ...

Well that's it for another year, all that planning, preparation and spending and its gone in a flash. It's always such an enjoyable time of year but it does leave you (... well me anyway!) feeling a bit flat afterwards.

Alfie certainly seemed to be more aware of what Christmas was all about, from a present opening point of view anyway. I think that Santa may need to conceal any presents he drops off early a little better next year!!!

Christmas day started around 6am with some present opening and then breakfast. Alfie seemed to want to play with each present as it was opened and so the gift unwrapping stretched long into the day and was finally completed on Boxing Day.

After an early sleep (... for everyone I think!)it was off to Matt and Sharron's for an Al Fresco Christmas dinner which we finished as the first drops of rain started to fall (... its been raining ever since!!!). It was great to catch up with Beth's family and this year was made even more special with the arrival of Sharron's parents from the UK. 2010 could well be an Ivey family Christmas ... so watch this space!

Far too much food and drink was consumed (... I think I put on 3kg in two days!) but the leftovers are being worked through and the fridge has something of a normal appearance again.

Alfie has a new bike which he seems to have taken to. It somehow managed to cost more than any bike I've ever owned, but it was worth it for the smiles. Here is the test drive ...

Beth ended up with some clothes that she can actually fit into, a new phone and some other bits and bobs, while I ended up with a much needed new drill and some budgie smugglers, kick board and goggles as I want to get into some swimming!

We hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas. We would like to thank everyone for their gifts and cards that have made the arrival of the postman on his scooter a most welcome sight in the afternoons.

Next year with another Aussie Ivey to buy for we're asking people only to buy for the kids if they feel the need as it just gets so expensive. We thought we'd ley you know now as we know that some of you will have started Christmas 2010 shopping already!!! Only 363 shopping days to go... ;0)

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