Monday, February 22, 2010

Another update from the Little Brother House ...

Things continue to be busy and hot in the Ivey household. Charlie is fairly easy to settle and only "arks up" when he's hungry. We managed to get out for a meal as a family to celebrate Beth's Dad and Mums's Wedding Anniversary, and while it was an interesting dining experience we did at least get out of the house.

Alfie has been helpful helping out with bathing duties and gathering stuff for mum and dad. He actually looked into where he was sleeping today and in a voice not quite loud enough to wake him said "Ah he's cute!" which is ... well cute!

Charlie has his day time sleeps sorted between three to four hours. However at night he does the hourly feeds that you might expect during the day... in short he's got his days and nights mixed up. In fact if we moved back to the United Kingdom with the eleven hour time difference he'd be perfect... at the moment he's 99.9% perfect! ;0)

Beth is doing an amazing job with all the feeding etc while recovering from the birth herself. She's had a few tears which is always to be expected around day five but we're working together and enjoying being home together with the extended family.

... Right off to bed for an hour or so!

1 comment:

mandlucas said...

congratulations beth and paul, really pleased for you all, you look so happy. Alfie is so cute and such a proud big brother xx
lots of love
mand and her little girl amelia xxx