Monday, August 30, 2010

Facebook Finale ...

For those of you that follow me on Facebook you'll notice that I'll be a little quiet from now on ... in fact if you want to find out what I'm up to you'll have to come here as I've deleted my account.

Many apologies to all my friends out there but until my employer decides to stop asking me to pick and choose who might or might not be suitable friends, Facebook is best avoided. When they come up with a policy that shows an understanding of how Facebook works and that actually spells out in English what is appropriate you'll need to email or look up Beth who is still able to manage her own social circle. ;0)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Feeding the Sharks with mum!!!...

With mum nearing the end of her stay (Where did that time go?) it was time to think of her challenge! We like to send mum packing with a special memory of something she can't do at home, think challenge Anika without the lycra! So far she's cuddled Koalas and scaled the Harbour Bridge... this morning we packed up to visit the Shark and Ray Centre!

Much like every trip out with mum it mostly involves mum being squashed in the back between Alfie and Charlie, watching cartoons and entertaining the travelers. Inevitably one or both will fall asleep before we reach the destination and so Grandma has to stay put until they wake up so that she doesn't wake them clambering over them to get out! That happened again today so we detoured to the beach where the sleeping beauties later woke allowing everyone the opportunity to get out of the car! Coffee and hot chips were enjoyed by all...

At the Shark and Ray Centre it was time for me and mum to don the "One size fits all" waders... I can assure you that they do not! Armed with gloves and peg on a stick and some smelly prawns it was into the freezing water were we were immediately confronted by a huge ray... the words from the guide "Its just like the one which killed Steve Irwin" did little to inspire any confidence. Mum seemingly neck deep in water hid behind me, while sharks circled and gave you a nudge when you tried to ignore them. We toughed it out for as long as we could without looking like we'd bottled it. Alfie and Beth fed from the side, the former being a little hesitant with the larger sharks and rays but enjoyed feeding Nemo and friends!

It was certainly an experience and Beth is promising that she will don the waders with her parents when they arrive later in the year... you read it here first!

A great day and a great experience...

Alfie Interview ...

Last week Alfie went for his pre school interview at school. We'd spent much of the week preping him although as it turned out the questions were not too taxing! Luckily for two "under the microscope" parents Alfie was his usual charming self, until we decided it was time to leave the sand pit in the pre school! Although looking on the bright side at least he wanted to be there...

He's due to start with me at school two days a week from January.

... talk to the hand cos the pre schooler aint listnin!

End of the Season ...

The coming of Spring and Summer can only mean one thing... the end of the football season. Over here amateurs play football during the Winter while the professionals (term used loosely!) play in the A League during the Summer. Quite a good idea really because it does mean that if you're a player and supporter you can enjoy the best of both worlds. For the last fourteen weeks I've been travelling around with my Under 15's school team, it's really an expectation that you do some form of Saturday sport. Its been fairly tough for Beth who loses me to school all week and then for three or four hours at the weekend and for a couple of hours for training during the week.

We've had quite a successful season taking into account the number of injuries and family holidays we've had... sometimes we've started with seven... and I'm struggling to remember a time where I've had the luxury of a substitute. Most weeks at home we've borrowed some of the under 12's! So with all that in mind its amazing we've got any results. This week we started with 10 and led twice before eventually drawing 2-2 with a team placed third. What we've lacked in points and players we've certainly made up with determination and effort.

This week being the last brought out the family to watch, Charlie sat up and watched from his camp chair while Alfie stood on the fence... at one point he turned to Beth and said "Daddy is the teacher!" Cute! I'm looking forward to spending some more time with the family over the coming weekends.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home ...

With me ill progress on the house slowed to a halt... but no fear with an extra pair of hands available from mum Beth took the bull by the horns and ploughed on with only a very sick foreman for advice.

She's done an amazing job on the painting and the floor. Charlie is now sound asleep for the first time in his new room meaning that mum and dad can now get full use of the en suite for the first time without fear of waking up number two!

That brings to an end, almost still need to paint the old part of the house outside during the summer, about seven months of rennovations. We're delighted with what we've been left with. Kids in their own rooms, room for an office, room for the guests/bar and a space to eat and entertain. We might be losing a key part of the reason we didn't move soon but we're happy with where we are at the moment.

We've still got plans but hopefully they'll include a little time to enjoy weekends together as a family.

Bye Buy Beryl ...

After a long and often torturous eBay auction ... honestly the things people get away with ... anyway on with the post, Beryl was sold to a buyer in Brisbane, Queensland. To be honest when we saw where the buyer was we were kinda hoping that he wouldn't bother to come and collect it! Selling it was probably the right thing to do so that it didn't just sit in the shed. I've loved driving it, its been a great car for three years. I couldn't justify the on road costs for the odd drive out on what would effectively be on my own on a Sunday afternoon.

So long story short, I picked up the buyer at the local airport, signed her over to a lovely couple and off they went together on the long road home. They game me a call later to tell me that after 780km and ten hours she hadn't missed a beat.... I didn't expect anything less. Gone but not forgotten Beryl! ;0(

A day at the Beach ...

Much to the disgust of some Aussie mates despite it being Winter we went to the beach for the afternoon. The sun was up, the sky was blue ... why not? We wrapped up warm and had a ball ... grandma almost made good on her (quite foolish!) promise to swim during this visit. The beach was red flagged so we'll let her off this time!

Alfie spent his time digging and bulldozing, ball throwing, running and wave jumping with Grandma, Charlie meanwhile liked the feeling of the sand between his toes and the sights and sounds of seagulls squabbling over the remnants of some chips. A little reminder just as we needed it in the middle of Winter that Spring and Summer is around the corner along with all the reasons that we love Australia. Our big tree in the garden is already springing back into life ... its on the way!

Later in the afternoon Matt and Sharron joined us along with the boys as well as Beth's cousin and familiy who are visiting Australia at the moment. I'm pleased that they got to see Newie at its best! Then it was off to Blackbutt Reserve to see some Koalas, a quick play in the park before returning home for a cup of tea and cake! A busy day...

Its Christmas (in August!!)...

It has been well documented on this blog my thoughts on an Australian Christmas ... it just doesn't feel Christmassy after all those Northern Hemisphere Christmas' This leads some poeple to celebrate a "Christmas in July" are there are lots of events and parties held each year. With mum being here and missing out on some recent Christmas' we decided to celebrate Christmas in August last weekend.

We exchanged gifts, had a roast, wore paper hats, told the rubbish jokes and had a drink or two. A great time was had by all.


How many times do you hear people say "Ooooh I've got a touch of flu?" too many ... I've done it so many times myself. Not anymore after the events of last week, my response to to those people will be no you don't beacause not only are you out of your house but you are standing upright, walking and having a conversation with someone at the same time. It started last weekend with the odd ache and pain, at first I thought it was some Ross River Fever returning but a trip to the Doctor diagnosed Flu. ... My constant groaning from inside my hoody ensured that I soon had the pick of the seats that were left in the waiting room!

I emerged clutching some of the Swine Flu tablets taken from the top of the NSW stockpile. Over the next four days I shivered, sweated, moaned, felt sick and lounged on the sofa... much like the World Cup but with flu! Seven days later I'm certainly feeling much better and returning to work in the morning. It was a tough week ... good job that I had Beth and mum here to look after me. So far nobody else has shown any symptoms ... hope it stays that way!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Growing familes ...

One sign of a growing family is when you wake up in the morning to find that you have been joined by a couple of little people. Its not uncommon to find Alfie sticking his fingers in your ear or up your nose ... or hear Charlie having a little conversation with himself. When the two get together there is no end of fun to be had...

... now as you can see from the photo below this is a huge problem as it intereres with my sleep routine!!!! ;0)

... anyway it was decided that we needed a new bed to accomodate the kids and kit out the new bedroom. So it was off to the bed shop for a King size. Now its been delivered and slept on its great ... its massive and sooo comfortable! Although it must be taken into account that I pretty much slept on the sofa during the World Cup in June and in July for the Tour de France and therefore a bed of any description feels good! ;0) Talking of bed .... night night! x

Progress ? ...

With Alfie requiring safe, reliable and comfortable transport to and from school with me in January we needed to look for something else. Well that something came up last week and we made a bid on eBay. As it turned out we were about $1000 (570 English squids) short of the reserve. We were a little dissapointed but it was as much as we wanted to pay. After a couple of days they emailed to see if we wanted it for the $2500 we offered (1400 squid), they were due to go on a long holiday and the REGO (Road Tax and MOT due on the same day here!) would expire. We got them to get the car checked and it passed so we went ahead. We picked it up on Sunday and I've already had a great couple of trips, I could be warming to her! It has warm air that blows when its cold, cold air that blows when its hot, comforatble seats and what they call a Compact Disc player... these mod cons could catch on! ;0)

You are looking at our Volkswagen food chain!

Stan. 1972 Bus. - Apex Preditor, great fun, great times and many a friend made. We still laugh about the fun we had in him ... no not that please!!! Unreliable (Did get us to our own wedding!), like throwing money in the ground and burying it yes ... but we miss him!

Beryl. 1963 Beetle. - Reliable car, drove her everyday! Picked her up in Sydney ... was about an inch off the road - road humps not an option, window fell out drove home for two and a half hours in the rain!!! No air conditioning ... no air full stop. Sometimes I thought my back would fuse with the plastic seat. She's not selling for less than $3300 (1800 English Beer Tokens) I've been offered $3100... shes on eBay at $2650 with five days to go! I'm secretly hoping we don't get there and she can stay in the garage and I can restore her over the years! ;0)

This brings me to the bottom feeder and young pretender! Born in 1999 she is literally out of the wrapper in comparison! Clearly of all the VW's I've owned she's the runt of the litter!

The Runt. 1999 Polo - to be continued!

Winter Heat ...

Did I mention that its been cold!? On Friday we made the most of a few dry hours to visit Civic Park in Newcastle for Winter Heat a free arts and performance event. We usually go to all the free council events like this ... we figure that if you're already paying for them you might as well go! Add to that time spent with friends and a cracking atmosphere its usually a good night.

This one featured fire breathing, fire juggling and movement as well as walking on hot coals. All very impressive and warming to those watching. We were also treated to some music and the Worlds shortest fireworks display. Thankfully short as Alfie started crying on the B of the first Bang.

Dave and Maz came along and we all thought how much it was like Bonfire night in the UK, you go home stinking of smoke it was cold ... the only difference being that there weren't loads of kids hanging around the shopping centre wanting a penny for their pathetic excuse for a guy in the weeks before it! ;0)

Super Splash ...

We've had some fairly cold and wet weather of late, not ideal timing for Mum's visit. Most of her time has been spent inside, but before the cabin fever sets in for good it was time to wrap up warm and venture outside...

Alfie managed to find a big puddle down the road and had a whale of a time running up and down... pausing only for a sit down to empty out the boots...

... Splish Splash Alfies making a dash!

Introducing Rex ...

Alfie likes nothing more than the opportunity to do some puzzles, draw or build something. On this particular occasion we created a robot we called Rex! Apparently he was a dirty robot and needed a bath ...

Here is Alfie and Rex in the bath together with Rex protecting a little modesty! ;0)

The Boys Month by Month ...