Sunday, August 22, 2010

Feeding the Sharks with mum!!!...

With mum nearing the end of her stay (Where did that time go?) it was time to think of her challenge! We like to send mum packing with a special memory of something she can't do at home, think challenge Anika without the lycra! So far she's cuddled Koalas and scaled the Harbour Bridge... this morning we packed up to visit the Shark and Ray Centre!

Much like every trip out with mum it mostly involves mum being squashed in the back between Alfie and Charlie, watching cartoons and entertaining the travelers. Inevitably one or both will fall asleep before we reach the destination and so Grandma has to stay put until they wake up so that she doesn't wake them clambering over them to get out! That happened again today so we detoured to the beach where the sleeping beauties later woke allowing everyone the opportunity to get out of the car! Coffee and hot chips were enjoyed by all...

At the Shark and Ray Centre it was time for me and mum to don the "One size fits all" waders... I can assure you that they do not! Armed with gloves and peg on a stick and some smelly prawns it was into the freezing water were we were immediately confronted by a huge ray... the words from the guide "Its just like the one which killed Steve Irwin" did little to inspire any confidence. Mum seemingly neck deep in water hid behind me, while sharks circled and gave you a nudge when you tried to ignore them. We toughed it out for as long as we could without looking like we'd bottled it. Alfie and Beth fed from the side, the former being a little hesitant with the larger sharks and rays but enjoyed feeding Nemo and friends!

It was certainly an experience and Beth is promising that she will don the waders with her parents when they arrive later in the year... you read it here first!

A great day and a great experience...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky Grandma being wedged between Alfie and Charlie! Well Done! Kathy and Paul with Sharks and Rays.
Thanks Beth for challenge promise!