Sunday, August 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home ...

With me ill progress on the house slowed to a halt... but no fear with an extra pair of hands available from mum Beth took the bull by the horns and ploughed on with only a very sick foreman for advice.

She's done an amazing job on the painting and the floor. Charlie is now sound asleep for the first time in his new room meaning that mum and dad can now get full use of the en suite for the first time without fear of waking up number two!

That brings to an end, almost still need to paint the old part of the house outside during the summer, about seven months of rennovations. We're delighted with what we've been left with. Kids in their own rooms, room for an office, room for the guests/bar and a space to eat and entertain. We might be losing a key part of the reason we didn't move soon but we're happy with where we are at the moment.

We've still got plans but hopefully they'll include a little time to enjoy weekends together as a family.


Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

Charlie's room looks fab - well done to you both but especially Beth. She is amazing, I would never have attempted the flooring, let alone the painting ;o) - can't wait to see it in person xxx

Anonymous said...

Charlie's room looks brilliant! - love the colour and Dad&Mum very impressed with flooring! Are 'painting' overalls - required to be packed in suitcase? Yes! take time to enjoy family weekends!
Home sweet home! xxxx

Anonymous said...

Well Done! Team Ivey! - Yes! Beth has done an amazing job - appreciation always gains Plus Points! Grandma providing an extra pair of hands with Alfie and Charlie and Paul available for advice - so hope you are feeling better! xxxxx