Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Amber Necklace...

Now if you read the title of this post in your normal inside your head voice we need to stop right there... back up think about magic, wizardry, Lord of the Rings etc and then read it again in your best movie trailer voice.... That's it much better!

Right moving on. It would seem that there is more to mothers group than lattes and caramel slice/raisin toast... I know this was a shock to me! It is apparently also an opportunity to share the most bizarre child rearing tips and tales. Apparently the more distant your relationship to the person who has tried (insert tip here) the better. It goes something a little like this...

"My cousins, friends, sister in law twice removed was having real trouble with her child not sleeping because he was cutting teeth. Well one day she accidentally smothered him in Vegemite and guess what now he sleeps twelve hours straight. She's done it every night since... Maybe you should try it... "

Additional points can also be scored for the least scientifically plausible solution to a problem. I'm an open minded person when it comes to complementary medicine but an Amber Necklace! Purchased from a (still laughing now no doubt...) seller on eBay this special necklace, which incidentally has each bead double stitched for safety, cures tooth pain...

The result: Does it work ... maybe!

... however if it does then the effects of the Amber are long lasting as he was still able to get some shut eye while it hung in the bathroom for over a week!

If you are reading this and thinking hey maybe we should try that, then we have one for sale. One careful owner all reasonable offers considered. ;0)


Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

I wasn't the one to give Beth the advice but I have read that amber does help with teething. I haven't tried it though, hope it works xxx

Anonymous said...

Amber necklaces not around in the 'olden days' but hey! most things are worth a try to ease teething and gain a good night's sleep!

Charlie always looks GORGEOUS! - made us smile - about lasting effects of necklace!

Google says first few teeth are the most difficult - then easier - nature taking its natural path! xxxx

AmyJane said...