Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Down on the Farm ...

We've certainly developed a taste for country life over the last few months and racked up some km's in the pursuit of something new. It really brings it home to you when you drive non stop for five hours and don't even get close to leaving New South Wales! We loaded the car again to return to about 70km of where we had visited the zoo only five days earlier!

This time we'd been invited to our friend Matt's parents farm. It is 3000 acres of cattle farming land near Wellington. His parents were the perfect hosts and most welcoming of the six children (all four or under!) and the six adults that descended on them for the Easter Weekend. It really was a magical time with our friends and their family. In fact we were having so much fun that we didn't leave the farm once during our stay. Away from the computers, televisions and the other distractions of modern day life there wasn't much more to do than enjoy the weather, the country each others company and do the odd job or two around the place.

There were lots of cups of tea, farmhouse baked cakes to eat, the cattle to watch, tennis to play, tea to drink, dog to pat, grass to roll on, swings to swing on, tea to drink, wine to drink, utes to ride in, fires to start, stones to skim, food to eat, books to read at and tea to drink! It really was a special weekend with lots of laughs and memories. There were also many firsts with my first ride on a motorbike and the opportunity to climb a grain silo to secure the hatch on the top.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blissful! xxxx