Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Upwardly Mobile ...

Charlie has discovered walking and there seems to be no holding him back. He seemed to realise that if wants to keep up with his big brother and his mates then crawling on all fours even at high speed wasn't cutting it! He started with a few steps and tried to go a little further each day, each attempt was followed with claps from mum and dad so he joined in!

More recently shoes have been added which provides a whole new challenge the adult equivalent of which is walking in diving boots. Most pleasing for dad however is the fact that Charlie can now combine the walk and the kick of a ball!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Charlie! - well done with walking! xx
Felt you were almost! (wish)! walking out of the screen into our room! and love the 3 2 1 GO!!
Yes, lots of fun now with Charlie's football skills as well! xxxx