Monday, April 16, 2007

Roll up Roll up ... it's the guess the baby's __________ competition.

Right as we reach the "business" end of the pregnancy we inevitably start predicting what and when things might happen.

So we want to hear from you your predicted...

1, Baby gender.
2, Baby weight.
3, Date of Birth (Due on 25th!!)
4, Baby name.

You can leave your predictions by clicking on "# Comments" below & entering your predictions. Remember to click on "other" and type in your name!

No big money prizes just the opportunity to say "I told you so!" for the winner! Beth & I'll kick things off... although no clues on the name!


Anonymous said...

Right I think...

1, Girl.
2, 7lb 2oz
3, Thursday 26th April
4, Not saying... :0)

Anonymous said...

Donna says...

1. Girl
2. 9lb (both mine were bigger than this!!)
3. Monday 7th May (both mine were also nearly a fortnight late!!)
4. Surprise me!

Anonymous said...

1. Boy
2. 6lb 5oz
3. Sunday 22nd April
4. Bruce .... :0)

Thanks Donna for your input!!!
Hope mine is smaller and sooner than yours!!

Anonymous said...

Heidi says

2.9lb 3oz
3.Tuesday 24th April
4.Bob -(Bobblina if its a girl)

Anonymous said...

1. Girl
2. 7lb 10oz
3. Saturday 21st April
4. Something gorgeous but not common

Anonymous said...

1. Definately girl
2. no idea
3. Thursday 26th April
4. Liam says Elizabeth - Joel says Sidney (power rangers girl!)

Anonymous said...

mel thinks...
1. boy, less tantrums than a girl
2. 8lb
3. 1 week over due, just so you can appreciate that horrible feeling
4. hopefully not something from pauls favourite football team xx

Anonymous said...

Hi you guys!!! Annie and Sian here, lazing around on our Easter break in the sunshine!!!!
We think....
1. Boy
2. 8lb 13oz
3.3rd may
4.Bob, Dave or Gary (depending on who the father is!!!!)

Paul and Beth said...

Sian & Pete.... Honestly you two have some nerve coming on here with your wild rumours!... we think it was your wedding day that got us in all this mess after all! :0)

PS Although it is strange that Bob has come up twice! ;0)

Anonymous said...

The Parkers think....

1. Boy
2. 7lb 11oz
3. Sunday 21st April (Ozzie's Birthday) or May 2nd
4. Buzz, Seth or Arthur or if we're wrong and it's a girl Lily or Tilly. (These are the 5 names we never got to use!)
Happy pushing!

Anonymous said...

The Trims think.....

1. Boy

2. 7lb

3. 1st May

4. Robbie!

don't panic - it doesn't hurt! ooops - just bashed Sophie with my growing nose! good luck xx

Anonymous said...

1. Girl
2. 7lb 12oz
3. Wednesday 25 April
4. ?

Anonymous said...

Gary says -

1. Boy
2. 14st 10lb [Oh no, that's me - 8lb 10oz]
3. May 6th [2008]
4. Fernando [or Zak or Harry]

Anonymous said...

1. i reckon a boy, imagine two chimps 'arkin at paul all day!!!
2. no idea about weight err maybe 8lb 6oz
3. will arrive whilst we are camping on saturday night/sunday morning, 28/29th so we have an excuse to drink a toast around the fire!!
4. Harold !!

i'm getting excited for you!!! :)

Anonymous said...

we reckon, well Lloyd says

1 Girl
2 8lb 4oz
3 5th May
4 Emily, (This is Hannah's favourite name at the moment)