Sunday, April 08, 2007

Splitty Resto

We bought this wardrobe from a couple of interesting chaps, who lived together above an interesting bar down town on ebay. We need extra storage space and with Beth's mum and dad arriving on Friday we need to move some of our clothes into our own bedroom. So far they have been stored in the spare room (or the bed!!! See post below!) They seem to be pretty old with bags of character and sixteen layers of varnish! Beth and I have spent the last couple of days (when not slashing and burning in the garden or painting!) sanding. We think that they are about ready for some beeswax & carrying in so that we can put some of the clothes we brought over away. We are starting to think that some of the clothes we have will need to go... but we're giving it a year to see what we need. I don't need a year to know that Beth doesn't need that many pairs of flip flops! :0)


Anonymous said...

Seriously Paul, You can NEVER have enough flip flops... P.S. checking this blog daily now, am so excited for you both.
love Heidi xx

Paul and Beth said...

Easy for you to say :0)

... These wardrobes should be just enough space for Beth's shoes...

... Keep watching the blog as this is the the official place for Baby Ivey Birth news! (we turned down Hello magazine)I can promise you'll hear it first here, in words and pictures (No video though!):0)

Unknown said...

Thank you Heidi - I knew i could rely on you! This is the perfect place for flip-flops (thongs). Cant wait to sort through shoes and see who has actually got the most pairs of shoes - I think it could be close!

Anonymous said...

... haven't you got sanding to do???