Friday, December 14, 2007

PAFC sign promising young prospect....

After some initial hesitation Alfie decided that he liked his Argyle kit that daddy has been itching to get him into. I think that the colour really suits him and that he to will come to truly love the only team worth supporting. For those of you thinking that dressing him in such a way is cruel, lets consider the other options, it could have been worse...

Moan Utd...

... Bristol City (I edited myself here so not to fall out with the in laws!)...

... or god forbid E*E*E* City.

Proof in point that things can always be worse! ;0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Iveys
testing blog instructions! - Alfie we thought you looked gorgeous in your football outfits -ooooo squidge! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Paul, I'm not sure about meaning of Bristol City editing! but I'm sure John will - points plus anyway!
Beth, hope Santa shopping is going well. xx walkers@5furnwood