Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm an elite athlete ... its official!

Since February I've been wearing a heart rate monitor when I do my training. It looks a little like this...

Basically the chest strap reads your heart rate and sends the information to the watch. While you are working out you can see how many beats a minute you are working at and hopefully stay inside a comfortable range. With increased fitness comes a more efficient heart and a slower resting pulse. You can use the monitor to test your resting pulse and last night it came up within the "Elite Athlete" range. I'm really chuffed with that as this has been achieved since November, when running a bath was an effort!

I also got the official race results from my weekend run when they were published in the local paper on Wednesday. I finished 83rd out of 1035 runners, and 21st in my age category! While I was a little disappointed with the time I'm pleased with the results. Its great to feel fit(ter) again...

The Hillsborough Hornets...

... (Well that's what Beth and I are calling our team at the moment) got off to winning ways tonight in our first mixed netball game. Amy and Mitchell our great neighbours have been on at us for ages about playing and tonight was our first game.

We turned up to this game with a player short, but as it turned out we didn't need the extra help as we ran out 15-1 winners, thanks to Mitchell's defensive work and Amy's non stop running in the centre. Beth and I were left up top as Goal Attack and Goal Shooter. We both chipped in with an equal share of the goals (... and fouls!!). I have to say despite some reservations I really enjoyed my first netball game.

We're looking to recruit more players for coming weeks so you have been warned!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Beth and the Boy...

There have been some complaints of the number of male only photographs on the blog. It's not been a deliberate thing, I guess Beth is the one most likely to pick up the camera and press shoot. In fact things are so bad that most of the pictures of Beth and Alfie she managed to take herself!!! In an effort to right the wrong it was off to the beach with camera in hand. These are the best of a bad bunch... I was working with two very distracted subjects!

... Alfie plays find mummy!

... an interesting way to wear yer hat Alf!

... my wonderful family!

... the final of the "Sand Wearing Competition" was a close run thing!

On the run...

This week has been a busy one. On Thursday there was the Cross Country run at school. Each year some of the staff toe the start line alongside some of the oldest students (18 years old!). This year there were about fifty boys and four staff. I came a credible fourth overall being beaten by two students and one PE teacher in very warm conditions.

This morning was the 10km Hill to Harbour race in Newcastle. I came in at around 44 minutes which I was slightly disappointed with as I was aiming for 42 mins, but it was certainly faster than I have run in about 15 years so I guess I've got to be happy with that. It's good to be out there running again and feeling like some of the fitness is coming back!

Buffet Boy...

Check Alfie out helping himself to the nibbles...

Easter Sunday...

Sunday saw the planned neighbourhood BBQ washed out, but with the food bought we went ahead with an indoor get together. Matt and Sharron came around along with Amy and Mitchell from across the road. It was good to catch up, enjoy the long weekend and eat yet more fish!!! ... think I've eaten more in the last three days than in my entire life!

Easter Yummy!

Alfie seemed to enjoy Easter, particularly the chocolate bits. He had managed to find his chocolate bunny in the fridge and poke both his eyes out days before! Worse was to come for the chocolate mammal as Alfie tucked in, taking bites of chocolate and the foil it was wrapped in!

He got some more gifts in the form of a chirping chick and chicks in a nest from Nan and Gramps as well as an egg and monster from Amy and Mitchell. When distracted we were able to get Alfie to wear the Easter hat he made at Norma's (child care!) last week.

Friday, March 21, 2008

LEJOG Update...

Not much to report this week as I've had three rest days this week in preparation for the Cross Country run on Thursday and the Hill to Harbour run on Easter Monday. I'll report on how those went after the weekend. I only managed a couple of rides ending up in Abbots Bromley which Google tells me is...

Situated in the heart of England! Abbots Bromley is a village of character and history. Although best known for the annual Horn Dance held each September, the village is also a thriving community that combines a respect for fine heritage and traditions with the practicalities of life in the 21st century.

Picture of the afore mentioned Horn Dance! (....Only in England!!!)

The (lack of...) progress map...

View Larger Map

Happy Easter...

Still getting our heads around the fact that here...

1, Easter is an Autumn festival!
2, Good Friday is like Xmas Day, EVERYTHING closes!
3, Australian's freak out at the thought of eating meat over Easter. So its BBQ-ed fish all round!

Much to ponder.... still wherever you are in the world have a great one!

Paul, Beth and Alfie

Movin and a Groovin...

Check this clip of Alfie and I enjoying some music together.... he gets a little shy when he realises the camera is on him but soon gets back into it!

The music is PlayRadioPlay! and a track called Complement each other.

Playradioplay! is a one-man electronic/pop band from Aledo, Texas started by sixteen year old Daniel Hunter in December 2005. He began creating music in his garage but by rapidly gaining popularity on MySpace, Hunter signed with Island/Stolen Transmission records midway through his senior year of high school.

One small step for man, one giant leap for Alfie!...

In the last few weeks Alfie's balance has really been coming along. He was pulling himself up on furniture and could stand without support for a lot longer. He also started trying to climb things and thought about taking steps...

... Well they say that actions speak louder than words so he thought he would try taking some steps...

In a rare case of having the camera in the right place at the right time here are the results... He is momentarily distracted by the sound of a motorbike outside before the draw of the rustling paper is just too much!!!

Small Print: Any accusations that I have made similar looking steps emerging from various drinking establishments over the years are unproven! ;0)

Clap, clap, clap your hands...

Alfie's had a busy week this week with his day care on Tuesday and Thursday. He hasn't been sleeping much on these days and we had a very grumpy little person on our hands last night. We put him down for a couple of hours and he woke still grumpy so it was bottle and straight back to bed!!! Some ten hours later he eventually woke with a smile...

He's obviously been learning a lot as he seems to have worked on a couple of new tricks.

Check this video for the stand and clap trick! ... and a little bit of shouting "Dad-da!"

Happy Easter...

With the weather wet outside there was nothing else to do on a Good Friday, when everything else is closed, but stay indoors and open presents and start eating eggs! Nanny Walker I can confirm that your gifts have not been opened as per Easter tradition!

Alfie was pleased with his England kit from Grandma Ivey. Here he can be seen showing daddy for the camera.

Hope you all have a fantastic Easter. If I'm anything to go by, all our teacher friends out there will be well stocked up with eggs!!!

Alfie Month by Month...

I've updated Alfie's month by month album for Facebook friends.

For those without Facebook (...I salute you!) here is the link - Alfie Album.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Open ... Closed ... Open ... Closed ... Open ... Closed ... Open ... Closed!

Check out this new way for Alfie to while away the hours when he should be asleep. ...It's a bit dark, although you do get to get a look at him each time the door opens!!!

Alfie's first day at child care ... Part 1

Today was Alfie's first day at child care. Okay so it might not be the momentous first day at pre school or first day at school but I guess its a fairly significant date for us all. Beth packed up Alfie ready for a day at Norma's. She runs a family day care service from her home and did a great job with both Liam and Joel. He had everything he needed for the day and seemed to settle in really well. Beth stayed for about 45minutes and called during the day to see how he was going. Alfie being Alfie was immediately exploring everything which he continued to do even when he should have been sleeping!!! He will be going to Norma's twice a week so that Beth can get some Hamilton work done at home without the interruptions.

Here is a short video clip...

... and a picture diary of the day!

... There's so much to do!

... Alfie spots the big kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... Before taking a baby caterpillar for a walk!

... Norma is my mum coming back?

... Norma is quickly on to the attempted escape!

Alfie's first day at child care ... part 2

... And I thought these were for chewing on!

... Mmmm Afie's 20 second attention span comes to an end!

... Time for some more work!

... Smile mate... it ain't that bad! Come here often?

... Hey share wunna them handbags with me!!!

Alfie's first day at child care .... Part 3

... Norma's house.

... You come here often? You're kinda small....

... Time to take the big kids to school, I'll come along for the ride!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Back on the beach...

We've enjoyed something of an Indian Summer this week with comfortable temperatures up to 30 degrees and wall to wall sunshine... its been a long time coming! In an effort to make the most of it we have been taking the ten minute trip to the beach. Alfie once scared of the water and the sound of waves now crawls out to sea with reckless abandon. Mum and dad need to be on constant wave watch and also to remove the flotsam and jetsam from his mouth that he picks up along the way. Alfie learnt two valuable lessons today, sea water aint for drinking and seaweed needs some preparation before human consumption. Sand was again on the menu and looked particularly attractive when blended with the contents of a runny nose!!!

As you can see from the pictures he was pretty exhausted on the way home!

The Mucky Pup...

Such a perfect day....

From the Plymouth Evening Herald...

Rory Fallon scored twice as Plymouth Argyle gave their play-off hopes a major lift with this 2-1 victory at title-chasing Bristol City.

Fallon scored either side of half-time to put the Pilgrims ahead, before Lee Trundle gave City hope from the penalty spot.

The win moves Argyle into the Coca-Cola Championship play-off places, while City slip to second after Stoke claimed a point against Watford.

Happy days!

The Legend!

The Liar... who is Ian Hollowords anyway? :0)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

What are the chances of that happening?

... nice and slow up the drive. It only just clears the pan!

I forgot to mention this. About a month ago Beryl was parked out on the drive at the weekend while we sorted the shed (... garage!!!) While we did that a car drove past and then reversed back up the road. Now I'm used to people 1, pointing, 2, staring 3, laughing 4, waving or on occasion 5, Shouting abuse ... anyway after a minute or two I asked the lady if I could help! She said that it was her car, to which I replied "You had one like it?", to which she replied "No that was my car!". I did know that the car was first registered in Newcastle and had then made its way to Sydney where I purchased it. She said that she had the car of eight years and that her Grandmother had owned it for 15 years! The amazing thing is that her Grandmother kept the car at her house which is just two doors down the road from where we live!

What are the chances of that? It is as they say a small world!

Friday, March 14, 2008

LEJOG Update...

I'm still going well with this and the whole fitness thing in general, which is quite good considering we are in March and this was a New Years resolution. I'm managing to get to football training each week, coaching the Cross Country team at work at 7:30am on Wednesday mornings and doing a 10-13km km run on Saturdays at 6:30am around the lake with a colleague from school, as well as the bike rides and the extra runs! School is quite sporty and are keen to see teachers involved, I'm entering the Cross Country on Thursday and taking on some of the Year 12 students who have a good 15 years on me! Still I'll let you know how it goes... I also have a local 10km race on Easter Monday.

Beth is also getting up and about playing squash once a week with her brother and Brett, and having some impressive bruises to show for it! She is also doing some jogging along the beach, we both managed a couple of beautiful late summer evening runs along the beaches this week. Beth is doing some intervals runs which involves some jogging and sections of harder efforts. Pushing a now 11kg Alfie at the same time is exercise in itself...

On the bike I've now managed a total of 546km, I've no idea how far there is to go, I'm afraid to look. I am making progress though, here is the map...

View Larger Map

I'm in Seisdon! It was created during the eighteenth century, a rural village in the county of Staffordshire approximately six miles west of Wolverhampton. Thats all I can find out about the place! They do however have a number of places to lock bikes and a phone box!

Helping Hands...

With Beth and working full and part time its hard to get everything done around the house ... still that's not a problem when you have little helping hands! Alfie seems keen to help out where he can by crawling inside the dishwasher or here helping sort the washing into piles...

... Right empty the basket!

... lets make a Daddy pile!

... ah Daddy's football sock!

... Wheres the other one?


Alfie's personality seems to be emerging at the same time as a strong will. He seems to develop and interest in something, usually something that he shouldn't be touching, and then makes a bee line for it at every opportunity. Only a brave man (...or woman) gets in his way.

Here you can see the cheeky little monster with his latest interest the taps in the bath. The first time he managed to get them on he startled himself but he has gradually got used to it. He does seem a little less bothered by things that once had him crawling towards your leg! The mower and vacuum now create less panic although a very loud thunderstorm did have Alfie clinging to us in bed like a koala up a tree!

Bush Dance...

Last Friday was a late night at school as there was a Bush Dance! A Bush Dance is basically a Barn Dance with partners being swung, toes being tapped and dosies being doh-ed. Being on a one year contract with the possibility of another year being offered or maybe even something permanent raising my hand to help out with anything going is pretty much essential... if a little tiring! Having a year long contract has certainly been a settling factor for us here in Australia and with Beth getting some casual work, work from Hamilton as well as her side projects (more on those later!) we feel that we are getting somewhere. Getting something at the end of the school year will be very much make or break we think.

Anyway back to the Bush Dance. We all got into costume with our shirts and denim. Alfie seemed to enjoy the music and there were lots of other children to watch. He was quite a good dancer and seemed to enjoy the night. He did pretty well as Beth had struggled all day with his sleeping, i.e. he hadn't! A good time was had by all...

Long time no blog...

Hi there blog fans Alfie here,
I had to have serious words with Mumum and Dada about the blog, how are other big people supposed to find out what I'm up to if their not blogging! Thanks for all the emails asking if they are alright, I think they are but they are both busy doing stuff they call 'work.' Dada goes to school every day and Mumum has been to school too! I do miss them but I like getting to see Auntie Sharron and Auntie Amy cos I get to do fun stuff. Mumum says that soon I have to go to pre-school two days a week so that mumum can do her work from home. I'll post some pictures next week to show how I got on. I think it will be good at school because there will be other little people there to play with me. I hope that they have balls there, Dada makes me play with the ball but he doesn't like it when I pick it up with my hands. I also like listening to music, looking at books and knocking down the towers/sandcastles that the big people make.

Right better go, Dada wants to do some blogging, I'll make sure he blogs a little more regularly from now on...

Lots of love

Alfie your favourite little Australian