Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Alfie's first day at child care ... Part 1

Today was Alfie's first day at child care. Okay so it might not be the momentous first day at pre school or first day at school but I guess its a fairly significant date for us all. Beth packed up Alfie ready for a day at Norma's. She runs a family day care service from her home and did a great job with both Liam and Joel. He had everything he needed for the day and seemed to settle in really well. Beth stayed for about 45minutes and called during the day to see how he was going. Alfie being Alfie was immediately exploring everything which he continued to do even when he should have been sleeping!!! He will be going to Norma's twice a week so that Beth can get some Hamilton work done at home without the interruptions.

Here is a short video clip...

... and a picture diary of the day!

... There's so much to do!

... Alfie spots the big kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... Before taking a baby caterpillar for a walk!

... Norma is my mum coming back?

... Norma is quickly on to the attempted escape!

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