Friday, March 14, 2008

LEJOG Update...

I'm still going well with this and the whole fitness thing in general, which is quite good considering we are in March and this was a New Years resolution. I'm managing to get to football training each week, coaching the Cross Country team at work at 7:30am on Wednesday mornings and doing a 10-13km km run on Saturdays at 6:30am around the lake with a colleague from school, as well as the bike rides and the extra runs! School is quite sporty and are keen to see teachers involved, I'm entering the Cross Country on Thursday and taking on some of the Year 12 students who have a good 15 years on me! Still I'll let you know how it goes... I also have a local 10km race on Easter Monday.

Beth is also getting up and about playing squash once a week with her brother and Brett, and having some impressive bruises to show for it! She is also doing some jogging along the beach, we both managed a couple of beautiful late summer evening runs along the beaches this week. Beth is doing some intervals runs which involves some jogging and sections of harder efforts. Pushing a now 11kg Alfie at the same time is exercise in itself...

On the bike I've now managed a total of 546km, I've no idea how far there is to go, I'm afraid to look. I am making progress though, here is the map...

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I'm in Seisdon! It was created during the eighteenth century, a rural village in the county of Staffordshire approximately six miles west of Wolverhampton. Thats all I can find out about the place! They do however have a number of places to lock bikes and a phone box!

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