Sunday, May 18, 2008

Alfie Top Drawer...

Sometimes you just want to sit down and watch a little bit of TV, but all the space on the sofa is taken. I guess you just need to sit further away? - NO! There is always an answer to every problem, usually Alfie finds it. Check this video out for a solution to the TV seating issue...

Alfie is at the drawer opening stage. We find drawers open but with nothing missing so no damage done you might think! Well the reason for opening the drawer in Alfie's eyes is to either sit in it or put something inside. I had a look in my hat drawer this morning (very cold at the mo!) and found a long lost dummy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Iveys
Funniest video of Alfie in front seat/drawer for tv viewing!have to pay top price in west end theatres!
Not sure what 'brush'? was but Alfie automatically tried to clean his teeth! Great video on a Monday morning! Alfie is a very contented boy! xxx Devoted Walkers xxx