Sunday, May 18, 2008

Me Burfdee...

Yup yesterday was my birthday and I'm only a year off playing veterans football! It was something of a busy day as weekends seem to be at the moment. It was up early to open some lovely presents from Beth and Alfie before getting off to my first football appointment, a 10am kick off with my school team. They lost 7-2 this week, coming down to Earth with a bit of a bump after last weeks rare win. The parents of the children bought a cake and the children sang happy birthday with more enthusiasm than they had mustered for the game!

It was then back home to get ready for my game in the afternoon. It was my first game of the season and we managed a scrappy 2-1 win away from home. I also managed to get a ball blasted into my face from 3 yards.... Happy Birthday! ... which resulted in a bleeding snozzer and mouth as well as some time sitting forlornly on the bench. I had a banging headache for the rest of the day and talked rubbish! (Putting it down to concussion!)Interestingly Alfie also managed to "get on" while Mitchell should have been watching him!

After that is was back home to get things ready for the cup final, Matt Sharron and the boys came around, before Mitchell and Amy arrived with a cake.

... Is this an omen Bristol City 2 Hull City 1!!!!

Ross came around later and we watched the game (12 midnight start!) although there were some very heavy eyelids (closed!) at various times before, during and after!

A great day my all accounts.. thanks for all the cards, emails and other gubbins!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Iveys
Congrats, again!, to Hillsborough Hornets - big fella comments v funny! HVGS - persevere!
Burfdee bump sounds nasty! - who was it!!? Cake great - yes, that's right 2-1 to City!
xxx walkers@5furnwood xxxxxxxxxxxxx