Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Family Fun ...

We've had a couple of very humid weeks. Quite a lot of rain and high temperatures which has made things far less pleasant than drier warmer days. With Beth becoming less and less mobile keeping a two and a half year old entertainined and active has been a challenge.

Alfie's favourite thing to do at the moment is going to the beach. He actually said the other day "I had fun at the beach," which is his longest sentence to date. It's been great to have some father and son time, particularly before number two comes along.

Beach favourites are running races, digging, building dams across little streams, surfing, running in and out of the waves and some deep water jumping of waves. He seems to be building a little more confidence with every visit and knows can often be heard mutteringing about "Bar Beach" and the the story that a local once told us about a shark bitting a man on the bum!

He's been careful to watch out for the Blue Bottles which have been washed up on the beaches over the last few weeks. He is always helpful in pointing out all the "Ouchies" to mum and dad.

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