Thursday, February 18, 2010

Home Sweet Home ...

We all returned home today from hospital, much to Beth's relief.... she came in and headed for the bedroom and hasn't been seen or heard since. Charlie also seems to be catching up as he's sat here in his carrier making squeaky noises! With Charlie born during the night and two nights of trying to sleep with three other women recovering from child birth and their babies there hasn't been a lot of shut eye!

The journey home was a smooth and short one, after I managed to get the car seat/carrier in... hopefully it will get easier! Here he is all loaded up ready to go...

I managed to pack up Alfie with his lunch off to day care this morning as normal although he did arrive a good hour late!!! He seems quite taken with Charlie so far... any bets on how long that will last?

Here big brother takes him out for a walk...

... he aint heavy, ....

... ahh cute!

Not much on for a few days, from a hazy memory this is where all the real fun starts! Although that said (... whilst touching wood!) he does seem a little more settled than Alfie was but you'd expect that I suppose!

We'll keep you posted on how it all goes, exciting times... come back soon!

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