Sunday, August 22, 2010

End of the Season ...

The coming of Spring and Summer can only mean one thing... the end of the football season. Over here amateurs play football during the Winter while the professionals (term used loosely!) play in the A League during the Summer. Quite a good idea really because it does mean that if you're a player and supporter you can enjoy the best of both worlds. For the last fourteen weeks I've been travelling around with my Under 15's school team, it's really an expectation that you do some form of Saturday sport. Its been fairly tough for Beth who loses me to school all week and then for three or four hours at the weekend and for a couple of hours for training during the week.

We've had quite a successful season taking into account the number of injuries and family holidays we've had... sometimes we've started with seven... and I'm struggling to remember a time where I've had the luxury of a substitute. Most weeks at home we've borrowed some of the under 12's! So with all that in mind its amazing we've got any results. This week we started with 10 and led twice before eventually drawing 2-2 with a team placed third. What we've lacked in points and players we've certainly made up with determination and effort.

This week being the last brought out the family to watch, Charlie sat up and watched from his camp chair while Alfie stood on the fence... at one point he turned to Beth and said "Daddy is the teacher!" Cute! I'm looking forward to spending some more time with the family over the coming weekends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Done with football season!
Yes! determination, effort, participation - points second!

Gramps loved Charlie sitting in his camp chair! Yes Alfie's remarks are cute! xxxx