Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Growing familes ...

One sign of a growing family is when you wake up in the morning to find that you have been joined by a couple of little people. Its not uncommon to find Alfie sticking his fingers in your ear or up your nose ... or hear Charlie having a little conversation with himself. When the two get together there is no end of fun to be had...

... now as you can see from the photo below this is a huge problem as it intereres with my sleep routine!!!! ;0)

... anyway it was decided that we needed a new bed to accomodate the kids and kit out the new bedroom. So it was off to the bed shop for a King size. Now its been delivered and slept on its great ... its massive and sooo comfortable! Although it must be taken into account that I pretty much slept on the sofa during the World Cup in June and in July for the Tour de France and therefore a bed of any description feels good! ;0) Talking of bed .... night night! x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Happy Family! xxxx