Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Jambo Sunday...

Jambo Sunday is always a chilled out affair will people getting up very late ... or very early to polish their VW's ready for the Shooow and Shhhhiiinne. We got early fairly early to put Stan in the for sale section, no takers on this day and it was kinda strange to see people rolling around under him, climbing in the back or fiddling with his engine!

There was a country show on at the same time at the showground, Jon thought it was the worst £2 every spent although the girls did seem to enjoy the tug of war. My personal highlight was when we returned to the VW side of the fence. From a distance we could still enjoy the falcon display (we did get to see the sheep dog herd ducks!) ... already chuckling from the Cornish announcers "there an orse in ere an he's shoes falin orf!" we watched at the falconer lose both his birds. They obviously had other things to do! He desperate calls for them to come back fell on deaf ears, and the whole thing was summed up by the announcer who followed up with a "I ope you get yer burd back Graham!"... priceless!

In the evening we managed to turn the music down and eventually off by doing some generator terrorism not satisfied with winding Martin up (Sorry mate!) we then pulled the plug on the main lights! The fire log was lit eventually and the scene was set for Exeter Aircooled bingo. Everyone was ordered back to their tents and vans and told to return with a prize. What a response... sliced mushrooms and an empty can were some of the highlights. I was allowed to call the numbers, but was to easily distracted by the events of the day to take it seriously or be professional! On a later trip to the toilet I returned with a foldable bike taken from a skip and attempted to ride it across the field, after Malc, Martin and Ben had finished with it it was nearly rideable! Another great day....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you said that little fairy outfit wouldn't come in handy again???? - seriously worried about things I provide you with - muffs are for sale too? ;) Heidi x