Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Veedubbing at the Beach 2006

A short trip down to Paignton sea front took us along to Veedubbing at the Beach 2006. We started off with about nine of us in Exeter and considering only one of us broke down it was a good trip! Still a litle worse for wear 48 hours after the wedding of Sian and Pete we had a pretty chilled out day laying out on the grass looking at Volkswagens. Neil and Kim found a willing mechanic who happened to have a large roll along suitcase full of tools to repair their van and got home safely! Stan stayed at home as he was still loaded up with all the Dj-ing equipment from the wedding. A walk onto the pier saw Beth and Helen trying to get their fortunes told by a dummy in a glass case while Jon and I pretended we were truck drivers in the Gold Ole US of A before tackling the drum machine! We even bunched into a photo booth to get some mug shot stickers!! Just one more VW event for us and Stan now!

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