Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bump Watch #5

Having received a complaint about the number of Cricket related posts over the last couple of weeks (sorry Paula!) I have been told to get back onto all things Beth and report on progress... so here it is Bumpwatch #5.

The parenting classes are going well and we have made some friends who invited us around to watch some birthing videos!! ... most weeks have been amazing although last week should have been called "Week Four: Everything that could posibly go wrong between now and the 27th April!!!" We went to see where baby will arrive (that's the room ... not anything else!), the birthing centre. You can have the option of a bath birth if you wish, the staff think there think that birth should be a natural process! Apparently the support person (that's me!) can get in the bath too! I asked if I could get in .... natural .... and she said no as it would be a distraction! I replied that it would only be "a small distraction!!"

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