Monday, February 26, 2007

Bumpwatch Live...

With the baby just under nine weeks away we thought that we better get some practice in at getting videos from the camera and on to the blog so that you guys don't miss out on anything! Well tonight was the night as I got the call that Bub's was up to its usual Womb Gymnastics! Time for a live Bumpwatch... It's only a short clip ... but just watch the top of Beth's tum (where it is best lit!) and you can see baby having a "wriggle!" It really is the most amazing thing...

Like most You Tube videos its best to let it play with stutters first and enjoy it when it runs smoothly the second time!

... hopefully its the first of many, and they should get better (note to self... turn light on!)If any muso's out there were wondering the music is by Sebastian Tellier the track La Ritournelle. :0)

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