Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Incredible Sleeping Man

Alfie is putting in a little growth spurt we think as he is spending more and more time sleeping, we are told that this is when they all the best growing is done! His longest night time sleep is now ten hours which has been great for us at it allows Beth and I to spend some time together, have dinner and get some sleep. We are enjoying this while it lasts as the experience of our friends with babies here is that just when you think they are sleeping through its back to three hourly feeds!

Another sign of growth is the fact that Alfie now prides himself in the way he can escape from the confines of his velcro wrap and touch both sides of his crib. He has now had his last crib sleep and as I type this is having his first night time sleep in his own room in his big boys bed! It's a strange feeling not to have him in our room at night. It will be interesting to see how he goes over the next few nights!

He now looks so small in his bed, all tucked up at one end, although I guess it won't be that long until we go into the nursery and find him attempting a daring escape over the bars!

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