Friday, May 02, 2008

Alfie feeds himnself or just makes a mess... you decide!

Alfie seems to be getting the hang of his plastic fork and spoon. Until this point these implements had merely been something to bang on the table, however now with yogurt pot in hand (... and mouth!)its time for him to become a little more independent with hilarious consequences.

Here's his first effort...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pauly
Wow! another beautiful blog and another Amazing Alfie Achievement!
Alfie is SO clever feeding (and enjoying!) himself with his spoon and yoghurt - with gentle encouragement and so much love from you and Beth, Alfie has achieved many momentous milestones
in a v short space of time!
Thanks, as well, for time on skype on Alfie's 1st birthday - very joyful!
With love & thanks-Jean and Johnxx