Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"I will play football" ... repeat the mantra!

One of the obvious dangers of living in Australia other than the poisonous ones are the risks associated with your child wanting to play inferior sports that require you to handle irregular shaped balls. I'm thinking that if I coach Alfie early enough to can reduce the risk.

So fresh from my Under 9 teams first victory in three years, in only my second game as manager, it was time to get Alfie kitted up and kicking. The boy has talent and could be the answer to England's left sided midfield problems in about seventeen years.

... I have forwarded a copy of this video to Plymouth Argyle's Youth Development Coach.

These pictures could be worth a fortune in years to come...

... Alfie and coach (AKA Daddy)

... ALWAYS cover the near post!

... "Who me ref?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pauly
Just watched Alfie football video again - early morning - shows much potential! football skills and acting skills - 'what me ref?'! and handsome Player & Coach photo!
Well done on second victory of under 9's football team - coaching & manager (and teacher) talents which we hope are recognised and appreciated (permanently!) by HVGS! Enjoy birthday week - Jean & John xx