Saturday, April 25, 2009


On the Thursday we had a rare family meal out. Its always something of a worry where to go for something to eat with a nearly two in tow! You do worry that you'll get seated next to the couple out for a quiet romantic meal for two! As it happened Alfie was great and enjoyed tucking into his fish and chips, he was also made a special "small" chocolate milkshake, I guess small because it only contained four cookies and two scoops of ice cream! He quickly attached himself to the straw and didn't release until finished... he then tried to scoop out the bits on the glass with his straw!!!

Mum and Dad took advantage of the half price drinks on offer during the Happy Hour before the short walk back to the hotel.

Taronga Zoo...

On Thursday Alfie had his first trip to the Zoo and had a great if tiring day at the Zoo. After sleeping in til gone 8am (exhausted from Wiggling the day before!) we managed to get up and moving to catch the ferry to the zoo. It was a lot quieter than I had expected and a lot more relaxing than my previous experiences of leading up to thirty kids around who want to know when lunch is and when they can go to the shop!

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I wouldn't like to say which animal was his favourite but he did join in with the monkeys. He also liked the Bird and Seal shows. A great family day...

Sydney Harbour...

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Alfie was quite taken with his ferry ride across Sydney Harbour which we took to get to the Zoo, so much so that he wanted his return trip right away!

Hotel on Darling Harbour...

We managed to find some serviced apartments in a great position on Darling Harbour. They had everything we needed, even a dishwasher and laundry. More importantly the room also had a sliding door to the bedroom which meant that Beth and I didn't need to sit motionless in silence with the TV off while Alfie went off to sleep

We saved a heap on the going rate by using our Entertainment Book. Most schools seem to sell the Entertainment Books as a fundraiser with the school getting a cut. The book is filled with vouchers giving you discounts off almost everything you can think of. The book is valid for a year and costs $60, but we have already saved far more than that so well worth it!

The Wiggles...

We've just returned from three action packed days in Sydney. Primarily the main reason for going there was to see the Wiggles which are something of a phenomenon here in Australia and most other places around the world too.

We went down for the Wiggles with Ross, Sara and Noah, and had a great time. It was pretty busy around the theatre and parking was tricky so we dropped of the better halves (Bonus points eh Ross!) and the kids and went off to find a park, which we managed to do without too much trouble, although the sight of two grown men (one wearing a Lightening McQueen backpack!)with no children in sight was slightly concerning.

Here's a flavour of what the Wiggles are all about...


I'm often asked "Why Run?" It's a good question that I try not to think about too much. I'm really enjoying my running again, going off to explore new places and get the whole family out of the house. Beth went for a run too and we took turns in making the workout that much more difficult by pushing Alfie in the stroller! On today's run I had a wonderful run through a conservation area, over boardwalks, bridges, rocks and stones. Not really sure where I was going, just taking the next track and running ... Onwards! A little like this up coming Nike ad. Enjoy...

Onwards from akqa on Vimeo.

Any likeness between me and the yellow fella is coincidental!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


We took a trip down to the local swimming pool this week, slightly worried about the crowds of kids that might be there during the Easter holidays.

... we needn't have worried!


Here are some pics of Alfie in the bath, performing a "Cheeeeeeese!" for the camera...

Here he is showing his serious side...

Running ...

With dad trying to get fit in preparation for some more running races and something of a mid life crisis in 2010 (more on that soon!) there has been plenty of exercise going on. It has become slightly infectious with Beth and Alfie all coming along for Beach front runs and walks. Alfie has also keen to hit the exercise mat and do some sit ups with Daddy, much to Mummy's amusement.

In his first race he came a disappointing third but did give his opponents a healthy head start.

... note the "all hands" running style inherited from Daddy!

The Easter Bunny...

The Easter Bunny came Down Under and delivered some tasty treats.

Alfie now associates all rabbits, or bunnies as he calls them, with chocolate...

Down on the farm....

Last weekend we went to Oakvale Farm with Ross, Sara, Noah and the twins. It was a great experience with animals and children in all directions! Alfie seemed quite taken with the animals showing very little fear of any animal regardless of its size or danger factor... thank goodness the snakes were behind glass!

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Considering the amount of hand feeding and patting that was going on he was lucky to escape with only a small altercation with a Goose to his name... he seemed quite bemused as the Goose pecked away at his jumper! We also managed a tractor ride, some Koala patting and some very exciting rides. A great family day out with the Murdoch clan.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Alfie Month by Month...

Good Friday...

We had a very Good Friday after we got up and loaded the bikes for a bike ride. We rode for about 6km before taking a little walk. It was good to be out and about spending some time together. Alfie seemed to enjoy the ride this time, helpfully wobbling from side to side on the way back...

On the way back we stopped for a deserved Coffee and Cake.

Hopefully there will be lots more pictures of family times over the coming weeks...

Hill to Harbour...

A couple of weekends ago I ran in the annual Hill to Harbour race along the beautiful foreshore in Newcastle. There were about 3,000 runners and I came in a very encouraging 150th. I had only two full weeks training under my belt as well as the on going Ross River Fever so I was pretty pleased. I was however beaten my a colleague from work who runs very similar times to me. The score now stands at 2-2 in races, so I need to step it up!!!

We can be seen here to the left of the screen (at around 17 seconds from the start!) on the footpath (blue vest and white vest) avoiding the crowds in this video clip.

The winner of the race started off racing - and winning - the half marathon (21.1km) before being motorcycled back to join starters in the 10k race. He promptly won that as well in a tick over 32 minutes, two and a-half minutes ahead of the next best. An amazing effort in anyone’s books!

Click here for a Picture of me ... poetry in motion at 4km!

Welcome to the World Lucinda Nell aBeckett...

Congratulations to Kate and Matt on the birth of Lucinda Nell on the 31st March. The essential additional stats for women readers, us guys happy with baby, sex and name, are weight 2.96kg, length 50cm, birth process in Kates words "... easy. I feel like I haven't been through enough to have a baby."

She has been born in to a wonderful family with two fantastic parents and a great little brother. Nice one guys...

... PS: going for the second is now very much the fashion for those in our Antenatal class, so watch this space!

Bye Bye Jacob...

This week we said a sad farewell to our "Pom Palls" Marianne, Dave and Jacob. We met them while attending Antenatal Classes over two years ago and have been firm friends ever since. It has been great having some other Brits about to reminisce about the Mother Country, and marvel at the wonder and weirdness of Aussie culture! With Dave's contract completed in Newcastle they are relocating back in the UK before another adventure starts for them in Sweden!

Jacob (back) was driven to the airport by Alfie... Ben came along on the roof to wave goodbye!

We wish them all the best with the move and the new bubs on the way! We will miss them, but will stay in touch so that we can catch up with them sometime in the future.

Hunter Valley Grammar School...

Today is the first day of the two week Easter Holidays (End of Term One) and time to take a break and do some blogging. The school year in Australia starts in January and ends in December, which makes things slightly easier... no September starts here! I'm still at Hunter Valley Grammar School and enjoying my second year. I have met some great people and enjoying my teaching again.

I'm still on a year to year contract but have recently been given a Management Position until the end of the year which is a step in the right direction for me. If I have any regrets in my life they are that I gave up a promising career in the UK and had to start all over again with a new system. Whilst getting a Permanent Position is my ultimate aim things are certainly looking up on the job front.

Alfie is now registered to start there in a seemingly distant 2013 but will also attend the Pre School from July next year!