Sunday, August 30, 2009

Me? Are you sure? .... I just won something!

About five months ago I entered a local 10km race and ran 47.47. I knew I wasn't as fit as I had been in the past, but it shocked me how hard it was. Since then I've got back on the comeback trail to build up a bit of fitness and lose some of the middle age spread... it was there I'm telling you!!!

I've been doing about 60km a week including a morning session with a coach, and attending an athletics club on Tuesday nights. I've been running lots of races and gradually improving my times ... and feeling a whole lot better! My last 10km race was in July when I ran 46.06. Today was a strange distance being 10.5km but I hoped that I could run around 42mins on a good day. Well today wasn't a good running day as it was VERY windy but still I managed to take 3mins and 15secs off my personal best... it would have been even better without the extra 500 metres!!!

I knew that there weren't that many people in front of me... only twenty two in fact, what I hadn't expected was that none of them were in the same age category as me... and therefore I was over the moon to be presented with the 1st place medal! I think that this is the first time I've been first at anything in my life!!!

... I think that I'm supposed to know who this person is!!!

I'll post the official photographs when they come out...

I'm stepping up to half marathon training for twelve weeks now, with an eye on a full marathon in the new year... but for the rest of today its kick back and take it easy!


Anonymous said...

FIRST! WELL DONE! - Result reflects tireless training!
Obviously! participation matters but winning is the ultimate! - John enjoyed cricket this summer - no OFF tv button this year!
xx xx

Anonymous said...

check yo bad self!!!! congratulations deserve it! Looking at the picture above it could alsmost be back at Hendra...bald bloke with a camera taking pics of the happy ivey couple!!!

jp x