Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dangar Island ...

No its not a spelling mistake, in fact its the perfect place to spend a birthday with your family.
A couple of weeks ago we traveled on the train to the central coast to celebrate Gramp's birthday. Alfie enjoyed the train journey spending much of the time peering out of the window, toot tooting or requesting tickets...

From the train there was time for a quick cuppa before catching the ferry to Dangar Island.

It was quite the most beautiful place that seemed a world away from the "Mainland." The houses there were nestled on the sides of the Island overlooking the river... birds sang... bananas hung from trees... quite a tropical paradise. We walked the island in about thirty minutes or so but did spend a lot longer lounging around on the beach on the far side of the Island. After all that walking and a uphill stroll for me with Alfie in the stroller to get him to have a noon nap we all needed some more refreshments. At the cafe on the ferry jetty to we kicked back and enjoyed a bite or two.

All too soon it was back on the ferry and then the train for the trip back to Newcastle. It really had felt like we'd been on an adventure.

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