Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year...

We had the happiest of New Years Eve this year. We decided to go to a beach side resort called Caves Beach to see in the new year together. It's quite a new place and so we really didn't know what to expect.

We a lovely meal together before taking a short walk along the beach. Alfie took the opportunity to get his shorts off and get amongst it. There was plenty of time on a warm evening for digging, throwing stones, chasing dogs and a few games of What's the Time Mr. Wolf?

Then it was back inside for a jump on the bouncy castle before the fireworks started. Alfie wasn't quite sure at first but was much happier inside "oooohhh" and "ahhhhh-ing" with everyone else. He was quite taken with the fireworks as he spent most of the journey home repeating the word over and over!

After the fireworks there was time for Alfie to strut his stuff on the dance floor before crashing and burning burning at around 10pm. It may not have been one of the wild nights of old (... I think they are long gone!) but we certainly had a wonderful time together to finish off the year and look forward to the next.

... Our New Years Eve celebrations will be one little person larger next year! ;0)

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