Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Big Boys School ... well nearly!

With Alfie due to start with me at school in January its time to get him used to a little more structure in his day. Family day care has been great for him but the groups are small and I think he has a fairly free reign! So its off to big boys pre school school one day a week for a bit of routine and school preparation.

He seemed to enjoy the day although he was soon in trouble after breaking the ranks of the line to collect his snack!! He has been repeating the mantra "No running inside ... run outside!' ever since. He also tested the patience by having the cheek to remove a block from the "block corner." When he was told off he put his hands over his ears ..... !!! I'm sure he'll settle down as the weeks go past ... and cause daddy a little less embarassment when he really does make it to big boys school in January.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alfie - so growing up!Gramps thought write-up was funny - hands over ears! Nanny can understand running for snack! - mmm!
Yes, preschool good training for January 2011! - Hope 2nd Wednesday goes well! xx xx