Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Building progress ...

With the painting finished and the carpet down it was time to pack up the bedroom and move to the new one! With some helping hands from Ross, Mitchel and Alfie we managed to get everything dismantled and reassembled.

Its great having the new room complete with somewhere to put our clothes... or should that read put all my clothes. Beth had claimed much of the space in the old room, you need to when you own about thirty pairs of flip flops (AUS = thongs!) Most of my clothes ended up in Alfie's wardrobe which made getting the school shirts a slow and silent high risk job!

I put up all the shelves in the new walk in and with some culling of non essential and "not worn since we've been here" items everything now fits. Getting dressed in the morning is now a much smoother process as you can find everything and even put on a light!!!

The old bedroom is now being converted into the bar lounge where the hope is you can enjoy a cold beer and walk around barefooted without risk of tripping over toys!

Next job includes getting the plumber back to fix the leaking toilet cistern and the painting of Alfie's room. When complete its a new floor before another weekend is spent moving furniture. This will then free up his old room to be used as an office which will allow us then to reclaim the room formaly known as the Dining Room!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Done Team!
New location well worth waiting for!
Points for persevering! xx