Monday, July 26, 2010

G'Day Grandma ...

On Saturday morning it was time to take a trip to the airport in Sydney to collect mum, ironically it was at an hour normally reserved for climbing into bed after the World Cup (still not over that yet!) and then the Tour de France! We were all very excited as it's mums first visit in two years. Alfie is two years older and and as for Charlie he was just a twinkle in Beth's eye!!

Mum seems to have coped quite well with the trip, having transfered in Dubai for a couple of hours. Mum says that I was easy to spot in the airport, while I stood straining to see who Australian Customs would actually let out of the airport next!!!

Mum has spent a couple of days getting her body back into some sort of routine, amongst all the chaos. Jet Lag is tough when you fly to Australia. The only option is to try to stay awake as long as you can and go to bed when everyone else does .. easier said than done when you are sitting watching Australian terestrial TV or even worse Scooby Do and Tom and Jerry repeats with Alfie!

Alfie and Charlie seem quite taken with mum which is lovely for her, she's getting lots of cuddles and Alfie proudly announces to anyone who will listen that "This is my Grandma!".

Now we need to sit down and come up with a plan of action for the next three weeks... its just a shame that I'm back at work while she's here! ;0(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely Grandma and (new) Grandson photos! - so glad you arrived safely Kathy. Enjoy very special family times - Gorgeous Grandsons will keep you entertained in many ways! J&J xx