Thursday, July 15, 2010

Solids ...

With Charlie now five months old and his appetite and waistline expanding its time to start thinking about solids so yesterday it was out with the rice cereal and the high chair. Here's a short video of the moment.

... not too sure about solids yet then!?!? All the wipeclean paint that I've been splashing about over the last three weeks might come in useful over the next couple of months... now where's that box of bibs?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Charlie - you made us laugh with this lovely video! and good to see Alfie in background waiting patiently - ooohh! cuddles! xxxx
Mmm! yummy rice cereal Charlie! - food does improve with time!
Handsome hair and lovely eyes!
Great video! - thank goodness for modern technology - videos/blog!
Happy and contented - Perfect Parents and Super Sons - xxxx