Sunday, August 15, 2010


How many times do you hear people say "Ooooh I've got a touch of flu?" too many ... I've done it so many times myself. Not anymore after the events of last week, my response to to those people will be no you don't beacause not only are you out of your house but you are standing upright, walking and having a conversation with someone at the same time. It started last weekend with the odd ache and pain, at first I thought it was some Ross River Fever returning but a trip to the Doctor diagnosed Flu. ... My constant groaning from inside my hoody ensured that I soon had the pick of the seats that were left in the waiting room!

I emerged clutching some of the Swine Flu tablets taken from the top of the NSW stockpile. Over the next four days I shivered, sweated, moaned, felt sick and lounged on the sofa... much like the World Cup but with flu! Seven days later I'm certainly feeling much better and returning to work in the morning. It was a tough week ... good job that I had Beth and mum here to look after me. So far nobody else has shown any symptoms ... hope it stays that way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling better xx