Monday, December 19, 2011

What's Doing Down Under ... is done for now!

This is What's Doing Down Under's 1010 post! Most of this has been the rantings of a mad man but the stats showed that quite a few people regularly staggered past on the Internet ... hopefully on their way to somewhere more interesting.

In the new year this page will shut up shop for the last time, you'll still be able to come back and peer in through the window at the last six plus years of posts but all new posts will will appear on a new Tumblr site of the same name...

There are a number of reasons for the change...

1. Time. Tumblr is more image driven, pictures tell a thousand words I simply don't have the time to post about the same things I've posted every year for the last six years. There is only so many times that I can write about my lucky escape from something poisonous ...
2. Space. My blogger account is getting close to capacity.
3. Ease. Linked to the time issue I'm wanting to use mobile devices to update whilst out and about so that I don't end up updating three months in one sitting!

Hope you don't mind the change? It'll preserve my sanity, give me back a little time to enjoy the Life Down Under that I'm supposed to be writing about and hopefully give What's Doing Down Under? a bit of a freshen up!

See you on the other side...

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