Friday, May 11, 2007

Home Sweet Home...

Just a very quick post to let you know that we are all back at home and trying to settle into a life as normal as it's going to be with the new man in the house. I'll update with more details soon and lots and lots pictures... think we might become quite the new parents with baby pictures bores!

The hospital are delighted with Alfie's progress and remarkable recovery, it far exceeds our best hopes and those of the doctors. All the tests suggest that he will suffer no long term effects from his ordeal which is truly amazing.

All three of us would like to thank you for all your best wishes, thoughts and prayers over the last ten days, we ended up with over forty pages emails which gave us great comfort and strength. Thanks to you all... xxxx


Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased to hear you are all home together, i'm sure it must have been really hard for you recently, and we wish we were nearer so we could have helped you guys out. I'm sure that now you are all together life will be sunny and happy, and i can't wait to come out and hug the little man in Dec...

Love, hugs and best wishes to you all, hels xxx

Anonymous said...

dear paul and beth so pleased everything with baby Alfie is ok and you are now at home, what a relief. take care and keep us updated if you have time now you have your little man at home - sleepless nights, feeding, nappies and all the other delights that come with having a newborn. grab sleep when you can is always a good thing. take care love from smudger xXXXx

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr and Mrs Ivey

(From Jack and Joe in Exeter, UK)

We are really glad that Alfie is home and you are OK now. When we were born 10 weeks early we were in a SCBU and on ventilators and look at us now!!!

Mummy sends her best wishes and says she'd rather push out two little 3 and a half pounders than one big ten pounder any day!!!

Lots of love,

Jack and Joe J-A

Anonymous said...

hey guys=)

i'm glad to see you are home safe and settling into a "normal" life now. Hope the weekend was more enjoyable than the last week has been!
how's the big little man doing?

big hug