Sunday, May 27, 2007

Working out at the gym...

Alfie continues to do well in his fourth week of dealing with Beth and I as parents. At the moment he lurches between a fun loving, smiling, sleeping little fellow who we coo over and a screaming, scritching little creature for who nothing we do for him seems to help! Thankfully he reserves his best behaviour for night time O'clock and the daytime for the witching hours!

Mind you he has had a couple of rough days, watching daddy try to play football on Saturday (enough to reduce anyone to tears!) while Sunday saw his belly button fall off.... would have me worried too! We think it might be an outtie!... that's my boy! On the being upset front we think it might be Colic (generic term for a baby that cries a little more than "normal" babies!!! Getting really fed up with baby books and websites that are of no use at all. I could write my own baby book on pregnancy and babies (think I might!!!), Chapter One: planning your baby's birth... Don't bother. Straight on to Chapter two then: Caring for your baby. This chapter will need a little more thought but will be based around the theory that no babies are normal, all are different! No matter what concern you may have there is always an answer and about twenty possible others. Looking at possible foods that Beth should avoid to help ease the undiagnosed Colic it's looking like she'll loose even more weight, I think only bread and water is left! She looks fantastic by the way, you would never believe that she had a baby four weeks ago!

Here's a look at Alfie working out at the gym in one of his brighter moments today .... atttishoooo ....... attishoooooo ..... ain't he the cutest!


Anonymous said...

What a little mover! We've played the clip over and over again as the boys have been wetting themselves with laughter. They think Alfie's so cute and love all the faces he pulls. Keep posting on the blog - we love it. Love The Parkers

Anonymous said...

just to say that alfie is the most gorgeous, scrummy, adorable baby i have ever seen. i want him... ahh. on a serious note he really is a yummy baby, you proud parents you xx

Anonymous said...

sorry that last message was from me, mel xx what a doughnut not signing my name

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, i love that top pic!! haha looking like a lil beauty guys. Hope all's well. Vince and Laura x