Monday, May 14, 2007

A week in the life… Part 4: Monday 7th 2007

We dashed back up to see Alfie early. The lid of his incubator was down and he was pinker than ever, he seemed very calm now free from the constant shivers of the previous three days. Beth’s recovery also continued at pace with Beth now standing at the door of our room waiting for the breakfast lady.

We spent the rest of the day deciding what to dress him in as today was the day we could dress and cuddle Alfie. It was hard choosing this first outfit, mainly due to the fact that most of what we had just wouldn’t fit him!

Meanwhile more flowers arrived and visitors in the shape of Dr. Bisits and student Dr. Carina. Carina was doing some work experience in the birthing centre and got swept along in the drama of the whole thing. She was a great source of support and great to have here there, Beth swears by her back rub during labour! She came to see Alfie everyday after his birth and also took the time to visit us too! It was great that she saw all three of us together before we left hospital. We swapped contact details so I’m sure that we’ll all stay in touch… we all feel like we’ve known each other for ages!

During the afternoon we were both able to cuddle Alfie taking care not to disturb any of his leads he was still wearing, they were to be removed later. Beth was able to feed him and he took his first few gulps of milk from his mum, still feeling quite full from all the fluids he was given he didn’t take much and so a tube was inserted up his nose to his stomach. It was hard to watch this as a syringe was filled and emptied into him.

Later that evening we returned to feed Alfie again (we were now doing the feeds every three or four hours!) and he took a full feed and so the tube was removed, it was also nice to see more and more of the wires removed at each visit. The cuddles become more frequent and less restrictive. To see his contented face and hear his snores from his bassinet was amazing!

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