Saturday, January 08, 2011

Nan and Gramps ...

With all the excitement of Christmas I failed to mention that Nan and Gramps arrived at the end of November ... if you've been tuning in waiting for the official announcement I can now confirm that they arrived safely! ;0)

They are the last in a list of house guests during 2010 ... we've had Grandma Ivey, Amy great friend and ex neighbour before she departed with Mitch for pastures new and a friend of a friend for a couple of nights all before the Walkers Senior arrived.

As you can see from the video clip they are great in entertaining the boys and helping out around the house and home to share in our Aussie Life. They are here until the end of February but after that we have no further bookings ... So give us a shout if you fancy a trip Down Under!! ;0)

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