Thursday, January 13, 2011

Throw a shrimp on my own BBQ ...

Living in Australia there is a fair chance that if you arrange to have a few people over for a BBQ and some beers that the weather will at least be dry... no having everyone inside with the sausages under the grill with the rain hammering on the window. I've managed to master some BBQ skills under the guidance of some Aussies wanting to educate me in the art of cremating food. I've been a willing listener... armed only with a spatula, some tongs and my Union Jack apron!

I remember fondly the days of lighting BBQ briquets aided only by a full box of matches, those little white cube things and a bottle of lighter fluid. With a fair wind, a little luck and two hours you could be BBQing food!

Then the gas bottle was invented ... and the rest as they say is history. With the Aussie BBQ being the most important piece of furniture after the TV and the beer fridge we've been lucky enough to have had at least two BBQ's donated to us and we were so thankful for that.

However having been here for four years we decided to get our own and here she is...

... I've been out there for the last two nights. I'm sure that the novelty of cooking on it and then cleaning it will wear off soon! ;0)

1 comment:

Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

What a beaut barbie mate ;o). Can't wait to come round for shrimp or two xxx