Thursday, January 13, 2011

Safe and Sound ...

I thought I would post just to say that we are safe and sound unlike those less fortunate than us further north in Queensland and Northern NSW. What we are watching on the television here is nothing short of total devastation, you can only imagine what it would be like to have water completely cover your house, or wash it away. There seem to be so many personal stories of bravery, courage and unfortunately loss.

Jordan's final act of bravery.

The stats are bewildering... we're talking about an area the size of France and Germany combined. Lets hope that Queenslander's can get back to something approaching normality and that the weather over the next couple of months, in what is the wet season, is kind.

If you're interested in donating from the UK you can with the following details:

Account Name: Premiers Disaster Relief Appeal
BSB: 064 013
Account number: 1000 6800

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