Sunday, December 10, 2006

Boat Trip

Saturday started early with a 40minute drive around the lake to meet Les (and Jarvis) at his marina as he was moving his boat out through the Lake channel to sea and into Newcastle Harbour. It was really nice of him to invite us along and a great opportunity to see the Lake and Newcastle from the sea. We made good speed down the Lake (3o mins from end to end) and got to the swing bridge at Swansea in plenty of time for the bridge to open to let us out. We also took the opportunity to do some fishing and by looking at some of the gear we were using we were meaning business... having said that the catch was poor with me weighing in with the largest fish an aptly named Yellow Tail which we left live on the line to attact something bigger. There have been reports of Fishermen in Newcastle paddling off shore on surf boards through the surf with hooks and lines with 2ft fish on the end as bait for Great Whites before paddling in and using the winch on a 4X4 to pull the thing in!!! There are bigger fish to fry!

We are quickly getting into the Aussie way of life... first beer offered at 9:30am and remember take your cool box (esky!) everywhere!


Anonymous said...

you should fit in well paul drinking beer at 9.30. unlucky Beth 9 months isnt that long though

from smudger

Paul and Beth said...

;o) I am drinking for two! Great to hear from you smudgemeister! xxx