Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day Morning...

We were woken in the morning by loud knocking before Liam and Joel burst in looking for clues so that they could find their Christmas sacks, which they eventually did! There was the usual Christmas morning carnage with wrapping paper going everywhere. The boys were particularly pleased with the Playstation, and being the caring Uncle that I am I have taken it upon myself to tutor the boys in the art of Playstation (Tough job... someone has to do it!) The Playstation does have its downside in that there is a game called Singstar which involves (mostly adults!) singing (term used loosely in this case!) into microphones! After a couple of dodgy covers from Beth and Sharron, the boys weighed in with an impressive Vanilla Ice.

On the gifts front, Bump did particularly well, but then so did Mum and Dad too! Beth got lots of clothes that she can fit more comfortably into and I got some one day Cricket tickets for February.... hopefully I will have picked up more of an Oz accent by then and will be able to pass myself off as a local!

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