Friday, December 29, 2006

Days at the Lake..

We've spent the last couple of days on water with Matt on one day and then the family on another. I've bought a new wake board which is kinda like a surfboard come snowboard for riding behind the boat. I thought I would treat myself after leaving my other surfing sticks behind! The first day went all wrong with me in the wrong position being pulled across (and beneath!) the water desperately clinging to the rope... I thought my arms would come off at one point! In the afternoon after too many failed attempts and getting knowhere near. Matt called up some friends on the trusty mobile and we got some useful tips... they later came out and showed me what great fun wake boarding can be when you actually get up on the surface of the water. I finished the day a little disapointed but feeling that I would do better next time! Beth also sat in the captains chair (under her brothers close supervision.... it's a lovely boat!!) and guided the boat safely around the lake, showing an impressive understanding of port and starboard at the same time...

Today we went out with all the family and mixed water sports with fishing, swimming and eating. Liam and Joel both got tubed around the lake before plucking up the courage to have a go on their own. Sharron also went on a marathon water ski from one side of a bay to another. Then came the wake board success with me eventually getting more of a handle on the take off thing and actually wake boarding for brief moments... (due to the end of a tape we are unable to show you this piece of history!!!.... next time maybe!)

A couple of fantastic days!

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