Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year Resolutions....

Well what a year that was... got married, gave up two jobs, started working for Hamilton, I ended up managing the office, moved to the other side of the world. You may have noticed that I have omitted one other big event... but I thought that the blog wasn't the place to discuss the finer points of conception!!! That said we very much look forward to what 2007 brings....

Here are my New Year resolutions for 2007, the first one is non negotiable while the others will be the usual "last a couple of days... week at the most" resolutions... but here we go anyway!

1. Be a good Dad.

2. Get fit ... Beach Boot Camp starts 8th Jan. 3 days a week 6am-7am for one month!
3. Get good at Wake Boarding... wake to wake without eating Lake.
4. Get a game at any level for the local football side (see point 2!)
5. Surf three times a week... dependent on weather conditions/ probability of being eaten/stung!
6. No beer... during week. (Small print... unless out socialising!)

Beth's far reaching New Years Resolutions are:

1. Eat an apple everyday!!!
2. Do thirty minutes of something!!!... I think she means something physical!

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