Saturday, January 20, 2007

The House...

We think we have found the perfect first house for us here in Australia. It has enough space for us and the baby, land to extend onto..... as well as any visitors we might get in the future!!

We've had building checks, pest reports (no termites found!!!!) and a valuation report which have all gone well. At the moment we have paid a 5% deposit (refundable before Friday!!!!!!!!) and we exchange contracts on Friday all being well.

We've had some issues with the bank as both being self employed through Hamilton we've struggled to prove that we earn what we earn and that it is likely to continue. Hamilton have been fantastic and done everything that they can do to help out which has moved things along, as have the building Society who are giving us every chance!

It has been a tense time but we hope to have some good news at the end of the week!... and in five weeks we could be updating the blog from our new home!!! Keep your fingers crossed for us.

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