Sunday, January 14, 2007

A year ago today....

What a year we've had since this fantastic day, we've certainly crammed in a lot and enjoyed everyday of it together (honestly!) We feel that we've slightly let ourselves down by leaving the birth of the baby and the house purchase until the second year but there you go! ;0)

We thought you might like to look back at our special day....


tonypastie said...

yo dudes i love you blog spot very interesting read nice wedding photos and nice spider :(

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! miss you guys from Sian and Pete.

Paul and Beth said...

Hiya S 'n' P (Just realised Salt and Pepper, Sian and Pete he he!)

Thanks for the message, missing you guys too!

P 'n' B

Anonymous said...

Hi B & P (just realised thats British Petroleum!!!)

Beth and the bump are looking fantastic! Paul, take it easy on the fake tan!

Hope it's not too long before we see you both......on Skype

Pepper & Salt

Paul and Beth said...

Mmmm... On everyday in everyway I look more like Dale Winton!

We're on skype paul.robert.ivey
