Sunday, April 01, 2007

Club Tropicana...

So that was it, the warning letters had been sent to all neighbours and club Tropicana was open for business on Saturday night. I know that it's now Monday but its been the first time I've been able to sit upright without feeling ill! Yes George was right "Club Tropicana drinks are free...." - they were! "Fun and Sunshine...." - there was fun to be had and the weather was kind! "... there's enough for everyone!" - now I had always assumed he was referring back to the fun and sunshine bit but I now realise that he is referring to the Free drinks and after jelly shots, some rum slush, Jim Beam and Coke .. oh and beer it was more than enough for everyone let alone myself! No one to blame but myself... ended up feeling poorly & talking gibberish (So most people would have noticed no change!)

Anyway back to the party, Matt, Sharron, Beth and I spent most of the day setting up finishing only in time to welcome the first guests. The hired friends arrived (everyone who came is a friend of the Walkers!) and introduced themselves, most of which we had never met before. I gave them a bit of the old DJ Pauly treatment while Beth got the Pregnant Limbo competition into full swing. Non pregnant participants had to carry a cushion up their shirts just to make it fair! As the party progressed we met more and more people, Kel and Brett turned up (Kel now two weeks overdue... baby being encouraged to come out today. Think Brett stole the show with his pineapple head creation!) and some of the neighbours came across (Beth tells me that by this time I was talking to them about Des from Neighbours (remember him?) and how he eventually married the stripper from his stag night!!!!!!)

As the weather has turned a little cooler over the last couple of weeks we lit a couple of fires and tossed on the ole' firelogs. We soon discovered that the Aussie firelog doesn't have the same staying power of the English firelog used so often to keep warm in a field somewhere last Summer! Les and Matt rushed off to collect more wood and returned with huge pieces which they started to cut up using a circular saw (Machinery should not be used under the influence of Alcohol!!! Don't try this at home... anyway what must the neighbours have thought "Strewth... They we're playing music til all hours then the Pommies starting cuttin up wood!" In my condition I stayed well clear and as a result I still have all my fingers which have enabled me to type this! Towards the end of the night Les fired up the BBQ and got the snags (sausages!) sizzlin, again I think I missed out on more food which didn't help...

The last guests drifted off into the night around 2:30am.

A good time was had by all... but boy did I pay for it!


Anonymous said...

good to see the dj paulo wheels of steel making a well deserved comeback!
nice one!


Paul and Beth said...

.. they weren't the only things spinnin! :0)